Your kid will LOVE this!!! Coconut Whipped Cream

This recipe for coconut whipped cream takes less than 5 minutes and is a great addition to any kid’s breakfast, snack, or dessert as a healthy fat, especially for those kids who struggle with weight gain!!


1. Pure coconut cream (I use Golden Star Coconut Milk, or Trader’s Joe Coconut Cream cans)
2. 2-3 tsp of vanilla extract
3. 2-3 packets of stevia or other sweetener of choice (2 tsp of maple syrup for example)


Put cold coconut cream (refrigerated for a few hours is best) in a mixer bowl, add vanilla, and sweetener and use a hand mixer to whip it up into cream.

Eat it with fruit, coconut flour pancakes, hot cocoa, protein smoothies/shakes, or just let your kid lick the bowl 😉

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